The natural porosity of an eggshell allows evaporation through the shell. As a consequence, air penetrates the shell during storage and moisture in the egg is evaporated. This evaporation and replacement with air accelerates the deterioration of the egg, thereby reducing the time it will retain it’s original quality. Unoiled eggs may require reclassification to a lower quality standard after only a short period of cold storage. The economic advantage of retaining eggs in their original grading is obvious. Additionally, unoiled eggs can readily absorb foreign odors during storage.
We take these needs into account to help us produce our Drakeol® 5 LT Mineral Oil NF. A thin film of the white mineral oil will reduce evaporation and respiration through the shell pores, thereby retarding absorption of foreign odors and flavors. Usually, oil is applied to the eggs after washing and drying by spraying a thin film of oil with automatic equipment. Small egg operations can utilize a manually operated spraying apparatus to obtain the desired results.
Penreco specializes in NICHE PRODUCT BLENDING to meet customer specific requirements.
If you have questions regarding this product, or need help finding the right product for your formulation, please contact [email protected] or call us at 1-800-437-3188.