We are proud to partner with Univar Solutions to deliver a gender-neutral concealer stick from The New Now campaign. The newest innovation Quick Fix Spot Corrector relies on Versastique Clear ME 5T to perfect your natural glow. This concealer stick easily corrects spots and discoloration, leaving a smooth appearance. Use as much or as little as you need, daily or just when you need a quick fix.

The Versastique product line provides a better way to formulate through simplified creation of functional and aesthetic solid stick applications. With translucent and clear stick properties, Versastique is ideal for natural, mineral and synthetic ingredients in cosmetics, personal care, skin care, sun care and health care products.

If you want to learn more about the attributes of our Versastique technology, we can provide supporting clinical and in-vitro studies. Please contact your Penreco sales representative and our technical experts will be happy to find a solution that’s right for you.

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